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Alyssa J. O’Brien, Ph.D.

Advanced Lecturer, Stanford University

Sally M. Benson
Co-Director, Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University 
Professor, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University

Richard E. Sassoon

Managing Director

Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP)

Stanford University

Hilary has given public speaking and presentation workshops for my class on “Rhetoric and Global Leadership” at Stanford University for the past three years.  What I love about working with Hilary is that when she enters a space, she lights up the room with her enthusiasm, her good cheer, and her genuine curiosity about the lives and needs of others.  She is dynamic and funny, knowledgeable yet humble.  She quickly gets to know an entire group on an individual name basis, and she professionally tailors each session to specific people’s goals.  Former students write to tell of jobs landed and personal speaking challenges overcome through Hilary’s expert training and consulting services.  Anyone working with Hilary will soon experience the same dramatic improvements in communication and in confidence!

Hilary trained dozens of aspiring scientists at Stanford University to communicate effectively to audiences with a diverse and varying knowledge about the subject. Her incisive but supportive coaching style was welcomed and appreciated by everyone. It was amazing how much Hilary was able to improve the speaking abilities of everyone.


I have decades of experience with public speaking, but always enjoyed listening to Hilary coach my students. I used it as an annual check-up on my skills.

We used Hilary to provide feedback to our graduate students on their presentation skills in a summer lecture series we organized and then to coach those selected to present at our annual symposium in front of several hundred people.  Hilary was outstanding in what she did.  She was thorough, meticulous, and always on point as she provided her feedback on all aspects of their presentations including their speaking ability, presentation material, and demeanor, and gave her advice in a constructive manner that was always well-received.  The quality of presentation was often improved dramatically following her feedback, and our students will value what they learnt from her throughout their careers.   I would whole-heartedly recommend Hilary if you would like to enhance your presentation and oral communication skills.

Maxine Lym
Communications Manager and Outreach Liaison
Global Climate and Energy Project
Stanford University

Hilary did an outstanding job providing graduate students and postdoctoral scholars at Stanford University feedback on how to better tailor their technical talks for a broader audience during our energy research seminar series. Immediately after each presentation, she provided her "spot on" comments to each speaker in front of the audience all in a very engaging and constructive manner.  We all benefitted greatly from her professionalism and communications expertise.


Doree Allen


Oral Communication Program

Senior Lecturer

Stanford University

There are few teachers who bring Hilary Spreiter's combination of expertise and insight to their speech coaching. If you are looking to enhance your oral communication skill through individual training or group instruction, you will not find a finer consultant. 

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